As young people look the future, it is important for them to be aware that the insurance industry is a great career choice. With the rising cost of a higher education, scholarships are a benefit to young people. Young adults purusing an insurance education will be the industry's future leaders and recognizing them with financial support will help them achieve their goals of a future in the industry. Contributions to the Insurance Hall of Fame Scholarship Fund allow more young people to receive financial support.
​Leaving a lasting impact on the Michigan Insurance Hall of Fame, planned giving, sometimes referred to as gift planning, allows philanthropic individuals or donors to make larger gifts than they can make from their income. Planned giving enables donors to use estate and tax planning techniques to provide for charity and other heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/or minimize its impact on the donor's estate. For more information about planned giving, contact: Tom Humphreys at The University of Olivet, thumphreys@uolivet.edu or 269-749-7612.
Contact the Office of Advancement
The Michigan Insurance Hall of Fame is a 501c3 charitable organization.
Donations may be tax deductible.
Contributions can be sent to:
Michigan Insurance Hall of Fame
320 S. Main Street
Olivet, MI 49076